
Unreal For Architecture

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Learn the basics of three contemporary tools used for architectural visualizations and game development – Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer and Unreal Engine! During every step of the way you will be learning how to create interactive, exciting visualizations which, unlike static images, will allow you to explore and interact with a photorealistic environment.

3DS Max For Beginners

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The emphasis of this beginner course lies on the first step in creating 3D content – building a model. You will learn all the basics as well as many necessary subtleties, which will help your quick and confident migration to the world of 3DS MAX and 3D graphics in general. The training includes theoretical explanations and an intensive hands-on practice.

Logo Design

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Learn about the process of creating a logo: from the first encounter with a blank sheet of paper, to the realization of the final details. Adopt a way of thinking that will help you generate ideas, cherry-pick the best ones and turn those into memorable, interesting designs. Master the basic skills for using the industry-renowned vector design tool – Adobe Illustrator, and the quick-and-easy digital sketching software Krita.

2D Foundation : The Art of Linear Perspective

2D Foundation : The Art of Linear Perspective 2dp Banner

In these four weeks you will master the tools that give depth to the worlds you create and three-dimensional drawing will become your second nature – no dry theory or complex geometry involved! Mastering the principles of perspective will allow you to take notice of the beautiful natural law and order that surrounds you, and you will be able to replicate that on a blank piece of paper or on your favourite 2D software!

Character Design

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This comprehensive training course includes the 2D and 3D skills which will bring your characters to life in a computer game, 3D print for toys or an animation! During this course you will learn a step by step process that has been tried and tested in real-life working practice and by the end of it you will develop your confidence in drawing, painting and sculpting characters. Get your questions answered by a team of professionals in ten thrilling weeks of training!

Zbrush Essential

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Get ready to absorb the essence of Zbrush in these four weeks, starting from square one in digital sculpting! In this wonderful, extensive course you will make friends with the leading modelling software – Zbrush, and all its peculiarities and intricacies. You will master the philosophy of modelling and learn practical techniques you will need to build a complete, detailed model from the ground up.